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NavigationDownloadIndexNext PagePrevious PageProcomm Plus 3.0 for Windows

Procomm Plus for Windows is the app to use if you are looking to connect to BBS (Bulletin Board System) systems that were very popular in the 90’s. You can get an updated list of many BBS’s around the world in 2021 by visiting or if you cannot access an HTTPS site from your retro desktop, you can download latest Telnet BBS Guide here.

Procomm Plus has a lot of other Internet friendly features such shown in the menu listing on the left. What does not show on that menu is that it also has a very capable QWK packet mail reader application which I use regularly. This version of Procomm Plus works on Windows 3.1/95/98/ME/XP. I have not tested it on version 7 or 8 of Windows but I suspect it will work on those the same. 

I tested this version on Windows 10. During installation on Windows 10 it will ask to install NTVDM which is required for the application to work. After that, it installed and worked fine to connect to a BBS. So, this application probably works on every version of Windows since version 3.1! Now, I have heard that Windows 11 does not support NTVDM, which means this could be the end of the line for this app to work on Windows after version 11. But, don’t dispair. There is always Virtual Box that you can use to install a separate VM of Windows 10 or earlier to continue using this application. Afterall, remember this web site is maintained via NetObjects Fusion 10 on Windows XP running on Linux. :-)

Software Key: PPWU3000076740

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Last Updated: Saturday, July 01, 2023 07:47:06 AM
