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NetObjects Fusion
FileZilla FTP Client

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Web site building software used to build this site. To me, NetObjects Fusion was the ultimate web site designing tool of the day. It allows you to place objects and graphics anywhere on the page without having to worry about how to get them to display precisely where you want them. It did all the heavy lifting at a time when CSS wasn’t what it is today. Later versions of Fusion would incorporate CSS, but before that Fusion used tables for placing objects on a page. I’m not sure how the last version of Fusion (version 15) did it, but that is how version 7 placed objects on a page.

As of 2016 the NetObjects website has gone silent. It is still up and it looks like you might be able to purchase version 15, but the site has not been updated in 6 years. It is quite likely that attempting to make a purchase on their site would fail. The free version they offer does not work anymore because it cannot call home to the activation servers. This version of Fusion works on Windows 95/98/XP/NT4/2000 (detailed system requirements).

Key: Available via online search.


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